Analysis of Natural Cannabinoids and Metabolites from Blood
This application note outlines an extraction method for four natural cannabinoids and the two major metabolites of Δ9-THC in blood using Clean Screen® THC SPE column

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Marijuana is parts or products derived from the Cannabis plant with Δ9-THC content greater than 0.3%. The Cannabis plant contains several compounds called cannabinoids, but the most desired is Δ9- Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). The resulting effects of this drug includes alteration of perception of time and space, euphoria, and increased appetite. As more states legalize marijuana for recreational and medical use, each has written their own marijuana drug-impaired driving laws. For this reason, it is important for forensic laboratories to have accurate and precise testing protocols.
Protein precipitation is a commonly used method to help remove matrix interferences from blood. The proteins in blood can be precipitated by either changing the pH or the hydrophobicity of the aqueous environment. Common reagents for protein precipitation include acids, organic solvents, salts, and metals.
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