Simultaneous Analysis of 19 Novel Synthetic Cannabinoids in Urine
This application note outlines a simple SPE procedure for the analysis of 19 synthetic cannabinoids in urine using UCT’s Styre Screen® HLD highly crosslinked polymeric SPE cartridges

contributed by UCT |
Newly identified synthetic cannabinoide pose a significant threat to public health and safety, as their implications in drug overdose and adverse events continue to rise in the United States and around the world. The diverse chemical structures of these compounds have a great impact on their potency and side effects. These synthetic cannabinoids were previously un-reported in forensic toxicology casework in the United States. There are currently few published methods available for the analysis of these novel compounds. However, the importance of identifying and extracting these compounds from various biological matrices is becoming more critical for accurate forensic criminal investigations and clinical diagnostics.
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