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Vacuum plays a critical role in many steps in the cannabinoid extraction process. Working at the right vacuum lets you finish steps faster, more safely, and with better purity and potency. Virtually every step in the process of converting plant matter to high purity oil relies on vacuum. We have pumps for your purge oven, rotary evaporator, distillation, and filtration needs that will accelerate and enhance your extraction process! VACUUBRAND® supplies reliable pumps, gauges, and controls for production, research labs, and analytical instrumentation. Our intuitive, advanced controls provide unparalleled precision and automation capabilities.

11 Bokum Road
Essex, CT 0626

Content by VACUUBRAND:

Achieving Ideal Vacuum in Concentrating Extract Using a Rotary Evaporator

| Contributed by VACUUBRAND

Selecting the right vacuum pump for concentrating extract using a rotary evaporator to minimize process time and to help prevent product loss

Producing Purity and High Potency in Fractional Distillation

| Contributed by VACUUBRAND

By combining precise vacuum control with a strong, reliable vacuum pump, the collection of fractions are purer and higher in potency.

VACUUBRAND® VACUU·PURE® 10C: Oil-free and ultra-low maintenance vacuum technology

| Contributed by VACUUBRAND

VACUU·PURE 10C delivers the benefit of oil-free vacuum technology down to the 10-3 mbar range. Cleaner actions, reduced downtime and maintenance costs

VACUUBRAND PC 3001 VARIO® select: Precise vacuum, automated control for extraction processes

| Contributed by VACUUBRAND

PC 3001 VARIO® select delivers unparalleled precision and process control maximizing product yield and minimizing process times.

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