Introducing The Cannabis Scientist Innovation Awards
Nominate a groundbreaking tool, technology, or application for our inaugural innovation awards
The November issue of The Cannabis Scientist will feature our first-ever Innovation Awards – showcasing innovative solutions in all areas of cannabis science.
We invite you to nominate in two categories: tools and applications.
What tools or technologies, launched since January 2019, have made cannabis scientists’ lives easier? Innovative solutions in analysis, processing/extraction, formulation, and plant science are eligible.
Just as important as having the right tools is knowing how to use them. Nominate the best application notes or method-based scientific papers published since January 2019. We will publish a brief summary of each winning application note/paper, with a link to the full article online.
Nominate using our online form:
Nominations close September 14, 2020.
The winners in each category will be chosen by an independent judging panel, and the results published in the November issue of The Cannabis Scientist.