Ziva Cooper
The Power List 2020 – R&D Trailblazers

Ziva Cooper
Associate Professor and Research Director, UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative, Jane & Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, USA
Career highlight: Working with 16 colleagues with diverse areas of expertise on the National Academies of Sciences consensus report on the health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids, published in 2017. Every committee member brought unique perspective, skills, and humor to the table. Lifelong friendships were made and a landmark, data-driven publication of cannabis’ health effects was produced.
The next 10 years: Current hypotheses involving the endocannabinoid system, cannabis, and cannabinoids will be tested by rigorous, well-controlled investigations. Cannabis and cannabinoid-related public policy, education, and patient care will be guided by evidence; dialogue will be driven by data, not by politics or personal belief.