Acknowledging Ambassadors of Cannabis Science
The Power List 2021 – Inspirational Mentors

Scott Kuzdzal (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments) has been at the forefront of cannabis analysis since its inception and is a tireless advocate for good science in the field, offering support and advice to scientists and entrepreneurs in the space. A nominator said: “He has an amazing knowledge of chromatography and mass spectrometry, but he also really understands toxicity and clinical testing. Without his guidance, our startup would be very far behind.”
John Abrams, Chairman and CSO of The Clinical Endocannabinoid System Consortium, is also Scientific Director of the Emerald Conference, responsible for the strong scientific and networking program at one of our favorite cannabis science events. Sadly, this year’s event is postponed due to the pandemic, but we look forward to heading to sunny San Diego again soon.