John MacKay
The Power List 2021 – Processing Pros

Founder and CEO, Synergistic Technologies Associates, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Cannabis industry origin story: I started to focus on the scientific principles of extraction and testing of cannabis in 2012, when few regulations and fewer standard operating procedures existed. Learning about the power of cannabis on seizures and epilepsy motivated me to take my studies further, as my sister lived with and died due to seizures. My curiosity took root, and I became determined to bring science to this process.
Current focus: Scientifically, I’m developing a single process stream for cannabis (including hemp) on the "formulation-centric" principle, developing a hybrid of technologies and automation to provide a consistent product formulation. But my most exciting project is expanding my training efforts – from seminars to videos to hands-on training in "centers of excellence" across the USA. These classes motivate the next generation – I hope to give them the basics and watch their imaginations change the world.
Future of the cannabis industry: Professional scientists from all facets of the process will join with traditional practitioners to advance personalized medicine. This will include cannabis and expand to other natural products to enhance the current small molecule market. Prescription and over-the-counter products will be appropriately regulated for efficacy and safety, and the active isomers and other synergistic compounds will be identified for each application.