Susan Audino

ISO Assessor and Instructor, Scientific Advisor at AOAC International CASP, and Chemistry Laboratory Consultant at S.A. Audino & Associates, LLC, Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Controversial opinion?
The cannabis testing industry is neither consistent nor reliable. Many laboratory owners intentionally compromise scientific methods to create broad acceptance ranges to meet customer needs within the limits of specifications. Although these methods may meet accreditation requirements, they do not always reflect the best science.
One of my greatest lessons is to not look for the “perfect” job or predetermine the “perfect path” forward because doing so will lead to missed opportunities. I also encourage people not to strive to be the best or to be “top dog” because once on top, there’s only one direction to travel.
Personal mission for the next 10 years?
My mission is to see cannabis regulators understand basic science and to consult experienced scientists to refine regulations. To benefit consumers, regulations need to be derived from empirical data driven by experimental studies – for example, on the effects of contaminants on cannabis matrices and delivery mechanisms. It’s time to stop borrowing cannabis regulations from other industries.