Quantitative Analysis of THC and its Metabolites in Plasma Using Oasis PRiME HLB for Toxicology and Forensic Laboratories

contributed by Waters |
Amongst forensic toxicology laboratories, cannabis is one of the most frequently encountered drugs.1 For most forensic laboratories providing toxicological analyses, the confirmation, and quantification of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its primary metabolites in whole blood or plasma is high on the list of requests from clients and enforcement agencies, such as district attorneys and/or police departments (city, county, or state levels).2 While whole blood is often used in postmortem forensic cases, whole blood/plasma ratios can be quite inconsistent, particularly for COOH-THC.3 Therefore, for pharmacokinetic studies involving medicinal uses or behavioral effects, plasma is often a preferred matrix.4,5 The ability to efficiently extract and quickly analyze samples submitted by such agencies is seen as a definite benefit to the laboratory. In this application, the efficient extraction and accurate quantification of THC and two major metabolites, THC-COOH and THC-OH, is achieved using a novel solid-phase extraction (SPE) sorbent, Oasis PRiME HLB, coupled with fast analysis using LC-MS/MS. This method offers a great solution for laboratories looking to incorporate this type of analysis into their methodology portfolio.
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