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Business & Profession Business

Towards a United Kingdom of Cannabis

| Mike Barnes

Earlier this month, The Cannabis Scientist shared the 10 recommendations a number of experts made to the UK government

Business & Profession Business

Is the Hemp Industry High and Dry?

| Griffen Thorne

Without a uniform testing standard, US hemp industry participants will continue to face discriminatory penalties, federal scrutiny, and arrests

Business & Profession Business

Where Corporate Interest Meets Community

| Louisa Mojela

Is Africa getting short-changed on its own resources by foreign cannabis companies?

Business & Profession Business

The Month in...Business and Regulation February

The latest cannabis industry news in bitesize chunks

Business & Profession Business

The Month In... Business and Regulation

| Charlotte Barker

Cannabis industry news highlights: January 2021 edition

Business & Profession Business

Diversity and Inclusion = Exploitation and Illusion?

| Christopher Ratliff

Paying lip service to equality isn’t enough. We need to address the systemic racism underpinning the cannabis industry

Business & Profession Business

Proposing a Standard Nomenclature for Cannabis and Hemp Derivatives

| Kellan Finney, RJ Hopp, Wes Burk, John Abrams

A workshop on nomenclature generated draft definitions for a number of cannabis and hemp products. Now, we want your views...

Business & Profession Business

Cannabis Beverages in Numbers

Cannabinoid-containing drinks are one of the fastest-growing segments of the cannabis and hemp market

Business & Profession Business

Cannabis Cultivation: Is Time Running Out for The Plant?

| Jeremy Friedberg

Could cell-based agriculture be the answer to rising demand for CBD and other cannabinoids?

Testing & Processing Potency testing

California Dreamin'

We interview conference founder Wes Burk at the 6th Emerald Conference in San Diego.

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